Tahitian Noni Blues

Friday, July 07, 2006

Tahitian Noni Times- July Edition

The latest edition of our darling Tahitian Noni Times has
just arrived in my mailbox, and I thought it fit to pass it
on to you, for your infotainment and enrichment.

"Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going
to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal,
and by maintaining focus."
-Oprah Winfrey

July 2006*

TNI at the Tonys
Build with Rewards
Atlanta Chapter 2 presentations now available
Radio coverage for TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice
Jacque Chance: A Plan 40(r) success
New spokesperson: Charlie Parker, Dallas Mavericks
New, improved conference call system

*Executive Message*

Greetings and Salutations from Pearl Camp!

We are here enjoying the second Pearl Camp since the launch of Success
Path in August of 2004. Can you believe it? We will celebrate two years of
Success Path camps, and we have seen participation in each and every
step of the path, except for one: who will be the first Global Executive of
Tahitian Noni International? I understand that there are a number of our
Independent Product Consultant leaders who are working to achieve that very goal.
Isn't it exciting to be a part of the entire effort?

I love how unique our opportunity is to have a business in which the
more you focus on others' success, the more successful you become. What a
concept. What a fantastic way of life. Truly a wonderful lifestyle.

Reconsider your business, and make sure that a successful selling
system is a part of everything you are doing. This element can be the very key to
success ”a specific, focused, duplicable system that you do day in and
day out. One in which your progress, performance, and accomplishments can
be measured."

Well, in the MLM business there are many so-called systems, but with
TNI and our new Chapter 2 approach to 20th century MLM, there are some very
specific systems that are available via our 21st century model known as Access

These selling systems work! Let me list them for you and share just a
sentence or two on each, and then encourage you to reconsider the
current system that you use. Here they are:

*Shop TNI and the new Tahitian Noni Rewards Program
*With this new system, you not only have your customers tied to you,
but you also can build marketing plan volume as your Rewards members purchase
product. They can become your best new IPC prospects. Wow! Now that is

*Gift TNI*
Regardless of the occasion, there is a Tahitian Noni gift that will be
perfect! And never forget, every Tahitian Noni gift given earns you
additional volume, is a natural prospecting seed, is part of building
your business, and will always bless the life of the recipient.

Power Products
*Taking advantage of TNI Power Products is the fastest way to maximize
profits in your business. They are also a powerful recruiting tool business
builders can double their retail profit. Jump on it quick!

*Product Certifications, Focus and Success Groups*
As we speak, hundreds more IPCs are becoming certified Plan 40(r) and
Companion Animal nutrition experts. We will see many new Plan 40
groups, thousands more pounds lost, and thousands more earned in
This program is one where helping others makes your life better. Set a
now to attend at least one of these certifications, implement the
system you
will learn, and then watch your volume grow.

*Power of a Home-Based Business and the Success Path Training,
Recognition and Incentive Program
*This is the direct selling story. This is the system you use for the
statistical 13% that are open to network marketing. will continue to
offer Success Path as the key to finding, recruiting, sponsoring, and
training new business builders in your organization. Success Path has built-in
recognition and fantastic incentive trips to inspire and motivate. Be
sure and use it to your fullest advantage.

Never miss an opportunity to make one of these systems your key to
success. Run a couple at the same time as you meet different kinds of people.
Chapter 2 is all about one thing: helping you create more volume, greater
income, and bigger profits with a powerful offering and a story to tell to
every person you meet.

My very best to you as you pursue just that!

Scott Florence
General Manager
North America, Australia, New Zealand


Tony Awards(r) stars enjoy Tahitian Noni(r) products
The 60th Annual Tony Awards(r) were held June 11, and Tahitian Noni(r)
products made a huge splash with attending celebrities. Nominees, presenters,
and members of the media flocked TNI's backstage booth, and they were
thrilled with the Tahitian Noni products in their goodie-bags:

Moéa(r) shampoos and conditioners
Moéa Body Butter
Moéa Sugar Scrub
TePoemä(r) Pore Refining Mud Mask
TePoemä Blemish Recovery Gel

This coveted celebrity bag was highlighted in the June 8 issue of the
New York Post, in the famed "Starr Report". The New York Post has a
circulation of 662,000 and covers local and regional news, business, sports,
entertainment, and celebrities, as well as fashion, travel, and other
lifestyle topics.

Us Weekly (circulation 1,675,000) also talked about Tahitian Noni(r)
products in the "Goody Bag" section. The feature was a "Win the Tony Awards
Talent Gift Bag" article, offering one lucky reader the chance to win the Tony
Awards gift bag.

Celebrities loved the rich feel and smooth texture of the Body Butter
and tropical scent of the Sugar Scrub and Strength & Rejuvenate Shampoo.
Check out TahitianNoni.com for a full report of the media coverage and
celebrity reactions Tahitian Noni products generated.

Now millions of new people have learned about Tahitian Noni products as
a result of this event. The media is buzzing about us. Are you ready for
all this attention? Are your energy levels and excitement off the charts
like they should be? There has never been a better time to be a part of
Tahitian Noni International!

*Build with the Rewards program*
With the Tahitian Noni Rewards program up and running, it's easier
for you to get people interested in Tahitian Noni(r) products. Rewards members
get great product discounts, and everything they purchase generates
commissions, volume, and ASQV4 for you, in fact, you earn 20% from every Rewards
member purchase!

This is a great incentive for all your "juice drinkers." Plus, if you
have current IPCs who wish to become Tahitian Noni Rewards members, they
can! All they need to do is resign their IPC account and wait six months from
their last activity, and they can join the Rewards program. Then you'll get
20% on everything these IPCs order instead of the regular 1%.

You can read about all the benefits and enroll at
and call customer service at 1-800-445-2969 with any questions.

Start enrolling Rewards members into your organization today! They can
go to TahitianNoni.com/Rewards, dial 1-877-4SHOPTNI, or stop by a Tahitian
Noni Lifestyle Center. Don't miss out on this fabulous program!

*Atlanta Chapter 2 presentations now available*
Wow what a weekend! The Atlanta Chapter 2 launch was absolutely
incredible. More than 2,000 energized IPCs packed the Georgia World
Congress Center
June 9 - 10, and had their visions opened by TNI's president
himself, Mr.
Kelly Olsen. The future has never looked so good!

If you missed it, don't worry. You can get all of the PowerPoint
presentations used during the meeting at NoniOffice.com. Every TNI IPC
has access to these, simply log in using your IPC number and your
password. Go to the "Audio and Presentations" section, and then click on "Power Point

Chapter 2 launch topics included all the elements of TNI's new campaign
Tahitian Noni Rewards program
Power Products
Product certifications

These presentations will give you some fabulous tools for your
business. Chapter 2 is officially here. Get your business revved up and use these
new tools to build like never before!

*Big radio coverage for TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice*
On June 13 and 15, a program about healthy living aired on 19 different
radio stations across the country, and TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice was a

Trend and research expert Amanda Freeman hosted and discussed the
hottest ways to stay stylish and healthy this summer. She highly recommended
TAHITIAN NONI Juice to millions of people all across the United States.

Starting in early July, you'll be able to get transcripts and audios at
TahitianNoni.com. Watch for details!

*Tahiti Trim(r) Plan 40(r) success story: Jacque Chance*
The Midwest Region was the first to hold a Tahiti Trim(r) Plan 40(r)
weight loss contest, and IPCs slimmed down while fattening up their businesses.

Jacque Chance earned top honors in the three-month contest, shedding 39
pounds and tripling her business by introducing Plan 40 to her
customers. She was recognized at the May 11 recap meeting in Minneapolis and took
home a $1,000 check.

After struggling with her weight for more than 18 years, Jacque has
finally found what she calls a wonderful system—she emphasizes the word
"system" because she says, "The key is how well these products work together."

Jacque continues to lose weight, she's enjoying increased energy, and
she can keep up with her five kids. "Most of all," she says, "I am truly
happy with myself."

*New spokesperson: Charlie Parker, Dallas Mavericks*
The Dallas Mavericks made a valiant showing in the NBA Finals, and
Assistant Coach Charlie Parker was a key part of the team's success. He's been
assistant coach for Dallas since 1996, is widely respected, and brings
a lifetime of experience to his profession.

And a key part of Charlie's success? TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice! He drinks
it every day and has even introduced it to some of his players.

"TAHITIAN NONI Juice has helped keep my energy level high at the top of
my coaching career," Charlie says. "I work long, stressful days and
sometimes get very tired. When we are on the road, it's difficult to get the
proper nutrition and take care of myself the way I would like to. With
TAHITIAN NONI Juice, my immune system doesn't suffer and I have the ability to
inspire my athletes. I highly recommend TAHITIAN NONI Juice to anyone
who is looking for a boost to their immune system."

Find out more about Charlie, and read his testimonial at

*New, improved conference call system*
Sure, there's a new phone number: 1-888-864-5842 (1-888-TNI-JUIC), but
worth the hassle of reprogramming your speed-dial for TNI's magnificent
conference call system!

This new and improved service lets you listen at your own speed,
pause, start over, and more! Below you'll find the full list of
features and
how to use them.

New Conference Call System Features:
1 - Rewind 10 seconds
2 Pause
3 Fast forward 10 seconds
4 Rewind one minute
5 Fast forward five minutes
6 Fast forward one minute
7 Restart from beginning
8 Rewind five minute
9 Go to one minute from end
* Decrease volume
# Increase volume

So take note of these features, tune in, and get crucial info for
building your business!

*July conference calls
*Get product training, campaign information, news, and business
building advice from TNI's top IPCs leaders.

Tuesday nights belong to your Tahitian Noni business!

Tahitian Noni International has a new conference call system! Listen
live at
7 p.m. Mountain Time or hear it 24 hours a day until the following
Tuesday's broadcast. Dial 1-888-864-5842.

You can also download an audio file of the conference call from your
Noni Office!

Here's what's coming your way in July:

*July 4*
*Replay of Chapter Two Meeting Recap*
Missed it the first time? Don't worry; we've got it again for you! TNI
is about to embark on a journey more exciting and innovative than our
first 10 years Chapter 2! The North America launch of this incredible new
phase of our company happened June 9-10 in Atlanta, and you can hear all about
what happened at the event! Join Northeast Regional Sales Manager Cim Carver
to learn all about it.

*July 11
**The TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice mini!
*The most exciting announcement since the 500 ml bottle! It's the
single-serving size of precious TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice. You'll want
these on hand for anyone to sample on demand! National Sales Manager Tyler Rippy
will dish all the details on this latest addition to the Tahitian Noni(r)
Product family, plus other highlights from the 2006 Pearl Camp.

*July 18
**Are you telling the right story?*
Are you truly aware of all of the amazing parts of the Tahitian Noni
story and all of the benefits to being an IPC today? Be on this call, and
make sure you're sharing the best and the most powerful elements of that
story. Join Regional General Manager Scott Florence and get the deepest, most
meaningful details of the right story!

*July 25*
*What does "Shop TNI" mean?
*What is more fantastic than sharing incredible products with our
and family in a beautiful store or learning about the history of our
products on a professional and exciting website? Learn about the Shop
TNI concept from Midwest Regional Sales Manager Jonathan Hallstrom. He'll
teach all the details of this innovative new program.

Dial 1-888-864-5842 (or 1-888-TNI-JUIC) to listen all week long
starting at Tuesday 7 PM Mountain Time. You can also download archived calls from
Noni Office-- www.nonioffice.com

Thought for the Moment

Replay of Tahitian Noni Chapter Two Meeting Recap

Did you miss it the first time? Don't worry; we've got it again for you! TNI
is about to embark on a journey more exciting and innovative than our
first 10 years. Chapter 2 The North America launch of this incredible new
phase of our company happened last month, June 9-10 in Atlanta,
and you can hear all about
what happened at the event!

Join Northeast Regional Sales Manager Cim Carver

to learn all about it.

The Tahitian Noni International has a new conference call system!

dial 1-888-864-5842 or download an audio file of the conference call

This new and improved service lets you listen at your own speed,
rewind, pause, start over, and more!
Below you'll find the full list of
features and how to use them.

New Conference Call System Features:
1 _Rewind 10 seconds
2 _ Pause
3 _ Fast forward 10 seconds
4 _ Rewind one minute
5 _ Fast forward five minutes
6 _ Fast forward one minute
7 _ Restart from beginning
8 _ Rewind five minute
9 _ Go to one minute from end
* _ Decrease volume
# _ Increase volume

Thought for the Moment