Many of our Tahitian Noni clients and valued customers have begun to ask questions about the proliferation of Noni products in the market. "Which one is original and most effective?" They asked. We bring you this edited version of product enlightenment, gleaned from the educative site of one of our leading IPCs. This is why our Tahitian Noni Juice is adoringly christened "THE ONE GOOD THING".
How many milligrams of noni is in an ounce?
This question applies more directly to juices made from powdered noni. As Tahitian Noni International (Morinda) does not dehydrate TAHITIAN NONI® Juice, Tahitian Noni International (Morinda) does not declare an amount per serving. The noni in TAHITIAN NONI® Juice remains a juice throughout processing. Usually there would be over 26,000 milligrams of noni in one ounce. But this amount includes the water content that is natural to the fruit.
There is however, far less milligrams per ounce in powdered dehydrated noni.
There is 89 percent noni per ounce of Tahitian Noni Juice in a bottle of Tahitian Noni Juice. Using that know amount that would be theoretically 23,100 milligrams of Tahitian noni per ounce. Guess how many $20.00 bottles of other "noni" you would have to but to equal ours?
Answer: 2,314.00 bottles at $20.00 each. That would cost a person = $42,280.00 in other "noni" to equal one $31.50 bottle of Tahitian Noni Juice. That would make these "Noni Juice" the most expensive product on the market. Choose wisely. Just because a bottle says Noni does not guarantee the quality or amount in the bottle no matter what the size bottle is.
Many companies are using a dried or dehydrated noni fruit and adding it back to a sweetened water solution. If you see extensive settling or notice separation, it is likely dried noni. The problem with dried or dehydrated noni is that beneficial compounds are lost during the drying process, removing useful components and weakening the potency of the juice.
Dried or powdered noni usually has not been cleaned properly or is dried in the sun. Insects, mold and germs are routinely found in this type of botanical material. Morinda ensures the noni used in TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is absolutely clean and wholesome.
Consider the following report:
The freeze-drying of biological material, which is to be quantitatively analyzed (micro-amount level) for compounds of low or intermediate molecular weight, should be either omitted or handled under strict control. This is because compounds such as amino acids, sugars, flavonoids, glycosides, coenzymes, peptides, etc., might be removed from concentrates and (or) the ground biological material by the high vacuum (Analytical Biochemistry, June 1983). This means that when a fruit such as noni is dehydrated, volatile compounds (the compounds that make noni effective) can and will be lost. Manufacturing dehydration processes are more aggressive than the laboratory scale processes mentioned above. Thus, the loss of volatile compounds is even more evident in commercial powdered noni products, as demonstrated by the footprints of those products.