Tahitian Noni Blues

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Amazing Noni Conference Call by Steve Steggel
Last week's conference call by Steve is recorded for us here to enjoy, just click on the link that takes you right to the Millionaires conference room The pix on the left has a caption that captures my heart, that is why I am posting that captio here now:

"Someone's sitting in the shade today becasue
someone planted a tree a long time ago."

-Warren Buffet

Thought for the Moment

T.O.P.G.U.N Noni Tea Party Presentation
I give you a glimpse and a sip of Robert Dean Jnr.'s group. just click on thithix link and you will find yourself in his audio visual presentation. What tickles me about that group is their awesome name. Together we Overcome Poverty...

So go ahead and enjoy Robert Dean's presentation

Thought for the Moment